NAPFA Awards Program Criteria

Robert J. Underwood Distinguished Service Award

该奖项颁发给全国个人财务顾问协会(NAPFA)的杰出服务,或由个人协会或专业工作人员推进收费财务规划的实践. This award has been presented for exceptional, long-term service to NAPFA, primarily through committee service or other similar contributions. “无名英雄”或“超越职责的召唤”是描述过去的接受者的两种方式.

Criteria considered by the Awards & Recognition Committee:

  • 通过对协会的服务,对NAPFA和/或职业发展产生重大和持续的影响.
  • 具备为其他专业人士担任教师或正式/非正式导师的能力和意愿.
  • Demonstrated leadership commitment and involvement in NAPFA.

These contributions may be a single act or a cumulative performance. Significance will be measured by a positive impact on practitioners, consumers, or the profession as a whole. The effort exerted by the candidate will also be considered.

  • Potential Recipients: NAPFA member or staff.
  • Nomination Process: 提名将通过多种沟通渠道向会员征求. 提名书应指明建议授予该奖项的具体行为或表演, as well as a brief description of its impact.
  • Selection Process: 一个由三人组成的委员会将从会员和董事会提交的候选人中进行选择.
  • Presentation: The award will be made in conjunction with one of the National Conferences.
  • The award does not have to be granted every year.

NAPFA Special Achievement Award

这个奖项是颁发给那些对收费财务顾问有重大贡献的人, the profession of providing financial consulting services, 或帮助教育消费者有一个bet5365首页手机版下载财务计划,并与一个非会员的高素质的财务顾问工作的好处. 这个奖项是颁发给对专业或公众有特殊、长期服务的人.

Criteria considered by the Awards & Recognition Committee:

  • Contributions that greatly enhance Fee-Only financial advisors, the profession of providing financial consulting services, 或帮助教育消费者bet5365首页手机版下载财务规划的好处,并与一个高素质的财务顾问工作.
  • Demonstrated ability and willingness to serve as an advocate, educator or storyteller for the profession or public.
  • 在与消费者保护有关的问题上表现出领导承诺和参与, financial planning, education or literacy.

These contributions may be a single act or a cumulative performance. Significance will be measured by a positive impact on practitioners, consumers, or the profession as a whole. The effort exerted by the candidate will also be considered.

  • Potential Recipients: 非napfa成员(记者,州或国家政治家,政府雇员等).)
  • Nomination Process: 提名将通过多种沟通渠道向会员征求. 提名书应指明建议授予该奖项的具体行为或表演, as well as a brief description of its impact.
  • Selection Process: 一个由三人组成的委员会将从会员和董事会提交的候选人中进行选择.
  • Presentation: The award will be made in conjunction with one of the National Conferences.
  • The award does not have to be granted every year.

NAPFA Excellence in DEI Award

NAPFA DEI卓越奖旨在表彰公司在其组织中推进DEI的成就和努力. 该奖项将根据公司层面执行的具体举措授予.

Criteria considered by the Awards & Recognition Committee

  • Initiatives executed in DEI at the firm, employee, or community level.
  • 致力于财务规划专业多元化的重要性.
  • 致力于为员工和客户创造一个包容和温馨的环境.

认可公司内部和外部为增加多样性而制定的计划, equity and inclusion of the firm, its employees, or the clients and communities it serves. 被认可的公司将展示他们在员工的DEI旅程中取得进展的结果, firm, or community level. 最多可颁发三个奖项,每个奖项分为以下类别,定义如下:

  • Solo Firms: 1-2 employees, under 1M in revenue (~ less than 100M AUM)
  • Mid-sized Firms: 3-10 employees, and between 1-5M of revenue. (~100M-1B AUM)
  • Large Firms: 11+ employees, and over 5M of revenue. (~ over 1B AUM)

Additional Details:

  • Potential Recipients: All Firms with NAPFA-affiliated professionals
  • Selection Process: 一个由三人组成的委员会将从会员和董事会提交的候选人中进行选择.
  • Presentation: The award will be made in conjunction with one of the National Conferences.
  • The award does not have to be granted every year.

NAPFA Inspiring Leader Award

这个奖项是颁发给一个建立了鼓励记录的成员, 在协会的支持下,激励和吸引他人充分发挥其专业潜力. This award has been presented for exceptional, long-term, service to NAPFA, primarily as a teacher, mentor or coach.

Criteria considered by the Awards & Recognition Committee:

  • 支持和鼓励其他收费专业人士参加NAPFA,以此作为取得专业成就的途径.
  • Develops peers and encourages colleagues through coaching or mentorship.
  • Serves as a role model throughout the association.
  • Active member of NAPFA and involvement in activities of the association.

These contributions may be a single act or a cumulative performance. 重要性将通过对组织和个人成员的积极影响来衡量. The effort exerted by the candidate will also be considered.

  • Potential Recipients: NAPFA member
  • Nomination Process: 提名将通过多种沟通渠道向会员征求. 提名书应指明建议授予该奖项的具体行为或表演, as well as a brief description of its impact.
  • Selection Process: 一个由三人组成的委员会将从会员和董事会提交的候选人中进行选择.
  • Presentation: The award will be made in conjunction with one of the National Conferences.
  • The award does not have to be granted every year.

NAPFA New Professional Award

该奖项旨在表彰协会年轻从业者成员的成就和对职业的贡献. 它可以颁发给在其专业和志愿者角色中做出杰出贡献的成员.

Criteria considered by the Awards & Recognition Committee:

  • 在财务规划专业中具有解决问题的杰出和创造性的方法.
  • Demonstrated positive impact on their firm and/or the profession.
  • Serves as a role model for other young practitioners and students.
  • Active member of NAPFA and involvement in activities of the association.

These contributions may be a single act or a cumulative performance. 重要性将通过对被提名者所在公司或行业的积极影响来衡量.

  • Potential Recipients: NAPFA member under the age of 35
  • Nomination process: 提名将通过多种沟通渠道向会员征求. 提名书应指明建议授予该奖项的具体行为或表演, as well as a brief description of the nominees impact/contributions.
  • Selection process: 一个由三人组成的委员会将从会员和董事会提交的候选人中进行选择.
  • Presentation: NAPFA新专业奖将与其中一次全国会议一起颁发.
  • The award does not have to be granted every year.

NAPFA Foundation Pro Bono Service Award

该奖项旨在表彰NAPFA成员的社区服务工作,他们贡献了自己的时间和财务规划专业知识,帮助那些有需要的人在未来取得积极的财务成果. 该奖项颁发给规划师或财务规划公司,以表彰他们对非营利组织的重大公益贡献, social services agency or directly to individuals through their own firm.

Criteria considered by the Awards & Recognition Committee:


  • How many volunteer hours were provided and/or the number of individuals served?
  • When did the service begin, how long did it take, and how often does it occur?
  • 被提名人对他们的公益活动表现出多大程度的承诺?


  • 被提名人是如何影响无偿服务接受者的生活的?
  • 被提名人是否被他人认可为通过无偿志愿服务的贡献而致力于实现预期的结果?
  • What would the recipients of the service(s) say about the nominee?

Additional Eligibility Guidelines:

  • Volunteer involvement must be current and ongoing as of the last 12 months.
  • Activities must have included pro bono financial advice and guidance, preferably one-on-one for underserved populations, (e.g., low income, social service agency clients, military personnel/veterans and families, individuals in a crisis situation such as domestic violence survivors, people affected by a natural disaster, college students, serious medical diagnosis, bankruptcy, etc.).
  • Current NAPFA Foundation Board of Trustees are not eligible.

Additional Details:

  • Potential Recipients: NAPFA members or their firms
  • Nomination process: 提名将通过多种沟通渠道向会员征求. 提名书应指明建议授予该奖项的具体行为或表演, as well as a description of its impact.
  • Selection process由NAPFA基金会理事会设立的委员会将审查由NAPFA成员提交的提名者. 奖项委员会将总结提名者及其资格,提交给NAPFA基金会董事会考虑. The NAPFA Foundation board may select a candidate as presented, 缩小名单和/或要求被提名人提供更多bet5365首页手机版下载其公益工作的信息,以供最终审查和投票.
  • Presentation: 该奖项将与NAPFA的一次全国会议一起颁发. 每年可能会有多个提名者获得认可,但该奖项不必每年颁发.